In The Warnings of Jude and II Peter 2: Then & Now, the seriousness of the hour foretold by the Apostles Jude and Peter to the church will come to light as believers will see that their warnings were not just for the early church but are relevant even more so today. Both Jude and Peter cautioned the body of believers to beware of false teachers and their heretical doctrines that had crept into the church, causing division and compromise. Yet, they urged the believers to contend for the faith and not allow themselves to be deceived because those who endured to the end would be saved. That same promise is what believers must hold on to during these last days before Jesus’ return.
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Synopsis: IT Iz FINISHED End Times Ministries Presents: Read the Bible in a Year Journal where you can read through the entire Word of God and learn to study like the Bereans.
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Synopsis: “THE POTTER’S HOUSE: Which Type of Clay Are YOU?” will help you get to know God as your Potter and you as His clay. There is a special intimacy that takes place between the Potter and the vessel He desires to make. He has designed you with purpose and just as clay has to be shaped, molded, spun and placed in the fire, the Potter has to do the same thing with all His ch
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Synopsis: In the book, “Who is God?” you will discover who He is by learning some of His names in relation to His character. God is a God who encompasses many things in our lives, but to know Him, you must first learn about Him to develop a personal relationship with Him. Who is God? will help you learn some of the many names of God and their meanings so t
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Synopsis: James, the apostle of Christ, was given a message that would transcend the boundaries of time. These lessons would help men from various walks of life be tremendous leaders within their homes, fathers to their children, powerful workers in ministry, and, most important, servants of Christ. In this 30-day devotional, you will find G
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Synopsis: God created an entire world for man to enjoy and love. He desired to be in relationship with His beautiful creation. Despite all that He made and had given to man, sin crept in and would have destroyed it all. However, God devised a plan of love that would save mankind from having to face eternal damnation. It doesn't matter who you are, where you come from, or what you
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Synopsis: In Spiritual Warfare During the End Times, you will learn what it takes to be victorious during these final days prior to the Lord’s return.
In "The Potter's House: 30 Days of Devotions for Women," you will learn from the various stories of women in the Bible with regards to faith, doubt, holiness, wickedness, temptation, and other challenges that we as women are often faced with in regards to our Christian walk. God has given us His Holy Word so that we can learn from their mistakes as well as successes to give us a road map for the course that He would have us to take.
Come discover this ride where you will begin to learn about intimacy with God: a revolutionary journal about yourself and an in-depth passion for Him. Explore the scriptures that are provided and enjoy puzzles that will give you an experience with God you will never forget.
n Lessons Jesus Taught: The Great I AM analyzes and examines Jesus’ seven I AM statements detailed within the Gospel of John. It illuminates His oneness with the Father, incarnate nature, transcendent qualities, redemptive works, connection to mankind, reception, and ultimate rejection by most Jews and religious leaders during His day.
(Ebook) In this first lesson of Daniel: Dreams, Visions, and the End Times, we will learn about the boldness of Daniel and his three friends. They had been taken to a foreign land, and all they had ever known had been left behind. Nevertheless, they continued to serve the One True God, and He blessed their faithfulness. Let’s take a look at the lives of Daniel and his three friends so that we may gain encouragement from their story to remain faithful until the end.
In an effort to lose weight, people will try various things such as diets, exercise, pills, and even surgeries. Although they may get their desired look on the outside, many others are wearing just as many pounds on the inside such as low self-esteem, depression, abuse, negativity, and more. In the Weight of Weights, we will discuss the many weights that can keep one down and the way to drop The Weight of Weights.
The King of Kings and Lord of Lords Bible Lessons are a teaching series that aims to help new and seasoned believers understand the fundamentals of Christianity. Within each lesson, one will gain new insights into what it really means to know and understand God, His plan for salvation, and the basics of living a Christian life. The lessons are sold separately and are great witnessing and evangelism tools for ministering to nonbelievers and believers alike.
Lesson 1 - Who is God?
Lesson 2 - Who is Jesus?
Lesson 3 - Who it the Holy Spirit?
Lesson 4 - Who are Angels?
Lesson 5 - Who is Satan?
Lesson 6 - The Ten Commandments
Lesson 7 - Heaven and Hell
Lesson 8 - What is Salvation?
Lesson 9 - What is Prayer?
Lesson 10 - What is Baptism?
In this 30-day devotional, you will learn the essential tools needed to fight the devil and win with the help of the Almighty God. As in the natural, no soldier can be ready for battle if not properly trained; therefore, it is necessary to be properly trained and equipped to do the service of the Lord.
Life was going well, and after some intense hardships, I was finally getting back on my feet. Little did I know that God would intercept my plans and devise a different course of action for my life. After years of living in Illinois, He placed in my spirit that it was time for me to leave and move to another state, Georgia. Surprisingly, what I thought would be a great start in a new place turned into a bucket full of challenges, disappointments, tears, and 9 months of homelessness.
Amid it all, God helped me to rise above the challenges; appreciate the disappointments; smile through the tears, and even laugh during the homelessness under Rain, Sleet, Snow & Ice. God turned my setback into a setup for His Glory, and He will do the same thing for YOU.
In Revelation and the Books of John, you will find an easy-to-read poetic translation of the books written by John the Revelator. Adults and children will be able to sit down and enjoy the pages of this prophetic book. May revelation and simplicity come to you with each page that is turned.
In Poetic Memoirs: A Journey of Questions, Faith, and Trust in God, the author shares her story of loss, love, and restoration in God. May you be inspired never to give up when complex challenges come your way by learning to turn everything over to God and believing He will take you through.
Ieisha Gilliam's testimonial about how God brought her from a horrible pit of pain, abuse, self-hatred, broken relationships, and spiritual despair to discovering her Kingdom purpose free from the bondage of her past. After reading this book, may you too recognize the power of God and know that you can also be an overcomer.
Parents and teens will enjoy The Teen's Journal to God as they read fictional stories about teens going through various life challenges as they have written about them to God. Yet, they receive an answer as they learn that they are never alone to face life's struggles. Also, your teen will enjoy puzzles, scriptures, and a place to journal their thoughts after each story. Come on and enjoy the journey because life will not always be easy, but God helps us make it through each obstacle.
In The Teen’s Journal to Jesus, teens will read fictional stories of other teens who have dealt with various issues such as drugs, alcohol, and various types of peer pressure as they write to Jesus. Yet, Jesus responds in a fictional letter in line with the Word to answer all their concerns. These stories are fictional but are based on real issues that many teens face but can be assured that they are not alone. Join us for this exciting journal to see what Jesus has to say to YOU.
The House of Lot aims to teach children the reason for Sodom and Gomorrah's destruction and help them to understand, that just as Lot, they can stand for the Lord despite the wickedness around.
In this exciting book for children, they will learn what God’s original intent was for marriage and what the real meaning of the rainbow stands for. Due to the devil flashing this sin in front of the faces of children everywhere, it is important to start teaching them early about what God expects from us all. God’s Rainbow for Good, the devil turned Bad.
Teaching children how to read can be a wonderful and exciting time. With each new letter that they learn creates fun and enjoyment for both you and your special little one. In this wonderfully illustrated and colorful book, you and your little ones can enjoy learning the alphabets, Bible characters and stories in the Bible in a fun nursery style rhyme. Rather you are a parent, school teacher, or Sunday School teacher, you and the children in your care will have fun learning about the Bible and Alphabets in this wonderful and exciting book.
Bible ABC & 123: Short Stories, Prayers and Nursery Rhymes is a wonderfully illustrated black and white picture book where learning about God and educational building blocks are combined in one. In this book, children will learn their alphabets, numbers, and about the Bible in a fun and exciting way. Also included are prayers and nursery rhymes that will teach them Biblical themes. This book is great for educational institutions, homeschooling, Sunday Schools, Private homes and much more. Watch your little ones excel in the things of God.
In the Children’s Book of Prayers, parents can read with their children prayers for various situations in life, such as relationships, sickness, temptation, family, wisdom, and much more. This book helps the child to develop an active prayer life and relationship with God. May you and your children be blessed through the prayers written in this book.
In Children’s Book of Christian Values about God and Life, parents can help their children learn about God’s plan for their lives, the values that He expects them to live by, and how to maneuver trials in life with God’s help. May you and your children be blessed as you teach them about the Lord.
Solomon is a 12-year-old boy who loves to sing. He has earned the nicknames "worship boy" and "worship kid" because everyone knows he is a Christian, attends church, and loves to sing. However, Solomon has much to learn about worship's true meaning. He encounters various lessons at home, church, and school to help him understand what true worship unto God really means.
In Genesis…the Beginning, children, teens, and adults will enjoy reading Genesis in a poetic form, making it fun for all to learn and enjoy. It also comes with illustrations to add to the excitement of reading and understanding what God had to say through His prophet Moses, who authored the content of this great first book of the Bible. May God bless you as you and your family read this wonderful book together.
The enemy of our souls is on a mission to destroy people of all ages, including children. As the Bible says, he has come down with great wrath. Nevertheless, the Word of God tells us to train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart (Proverbs 22:6). The House of Lot aims to teach children the reason for Sodom and Gomorrah's destruction and help them to understand, that just as Lot, they can stand for the Lord despite the wickedness around.
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